Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions Report


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Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions Report

May 23, 2018

The study reviewed past and ongoing initiatives that seek to exploit Liberia’s mitigation potential and enable it to reduce its Green House Gas (GHG) emissions in the short and long-term.


  • The first major initiative that has as its goal a carbon neutral Liberia by 2050 is the National Energy Policy (NEP).
  • The Government of Liberia will seek to leverage the country’s biomass and water resources as sources of carbon credits for energy development.
  • Through the newly dedicated Rural and Rural Energy Agency (RREA), the Government of Liberia aims to pursue the development of mini and micro hydro dams on the country’s numerous rivers and streams.
  • The take-off of Liberia’s oil and gas industry is also expected to offer opportunities for NAMAs. While the exact quantities of oil and gas reserves onshore and offshore are still unknown (or not published), the extraction of oil could under the present regulatory environment result in an increase in emissions of Green House Gas mostly through the flaring of gas