National Report on Sound Management of Chemicals


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National Report on Sound Management of Chemicals

May 15, 2018

The report is a first step in strengthening national and local focus on cross-sectoral governance that addresses overall chemicals management concerns rather than dealing with issues on a chemicals-by-chemicals basis.The National Situation Report (NSR) aims to identify specific areas of chemicals management that are likely to produce concrete environmental, health and economic benefits as a result of introducing sound management practices in economic and social sectors critical to the development of Liberia.


  • Liberia is a signatory to the most chemicals-related Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs). However, due to the years of conflict, not much progress has been made on the implementation of these chemicals-related MEAs.
  • The biggest threat to Liberia‘s mangroves is urban expansion and accompanying landfills, particularly in Monrovia.
  • Forestry resources remain one of the most important economic assets of Liberia.
  • Approximately 60% of the total domestic catch is landed by artisanal fisher folk, using various types of canoes and fishing gears.